Pass the Dandies

Here’s a thought experiment: Your buddies blindfold you and take you to the local, where you have your usual draft. Someone orders up a plate of Fried Dandies. Hmm…that sounds good, if unfamiliar and maybe a little twee. You munch one down and grab another. Then another. The taste is hard to place. The Fried Dandies are light and crunchy on the outside and a little bit squishy on the inside, but not like seafood. They’re fresh and bright. They’re addictive. You remove the blindfold. Fried dandelion blossoms? Are you kidding? ‘Fraid not, son. Now have another. It’s good for you!

Fried Dandies*

36-48 large** dandelion blossoms
1 cup flour
1 cup ice water
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg

Remove as much of the dandelion stem and greenery as possible without damaging the blossom itself. Heat oil in a skillet on medium high. Mix flour and salt in a bowl. Add ice water and stir. Blend in egg. Use tongs to submerge dandelion blossoms in batter and drop in hot oil. Fry in shifts. Serve with beer.

* adapted from Peter Gail’s Dandelion Celebration.

** The biggest and best dandelions can be found in abandoned lots and field margins—places that see neither mowing nor herbicides. When allowed to grow freely, dandelions can reach impressive size, with blossoms a few inches across.

7 thoughts on “Pass the Dandies

  1. Finspot

    Nice blog, valereee. I’ll be stopping by to see what you’re up to. BTW, I think morels are starting to pop in yr neck of the woods.

  2. Finspot

    V. cool. Come back and tell us how you do—and remember, hunting morels is a learning curve. Don’t be disappointed if your first year on the hunt isn’t met with bushels of morels. They’re elusive and hard to spot. Your eye will get keener with practice. Good luck!

  3. Anonymous

    Thanks for the inspiration! I made what i called dandelion flower “fritters.” I threw in some rosemary leaves and flowers. Mmm! So easy and delicious, and how nice to eat from the garden thats otherwise predominantly bolted kale! I’ll have to try the other recipes too.

  4. Finspot

    Valereee, the reports coming out of the entire lower Mississippi drainage have been very promising–you picked a good year to get started. The key factors are temp and soil moisture, and with all the flooding you should be in good shape. Unless you have a home in the flood plain…

    Check out my recipe for morel cream sauce over veal chops/steak. Simple and delicious.


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