Crab Cakes

THE KEY TO A good crab cake is in the meat to filler ratio. Adjust however you like, but always remember: the crab is king.

2 Dungeness crabs, picked
1/2 large onion, chopped
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
2 tbsp parsely, chopped
1 egg
1-2 tbsp mayo
1-2 tsp Dijon mustard (optional)
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 lemon
1/2 cup crackermeal or breadcrumbs
Old Bay seasoning

1. Sauté onion and red bell pepper in butter. Season to taste.

2. Remove onion-pepper mixture to bowl. Add chopped parsley, one egg, mayo, a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce, a few shakes of Old Bay, and the juice from a half lemon. Stir together while adding crackermeal or breadcrumbs. Mix in crab last for chunky cakes. The cakes should be just wet enough to hold together. Adjust accordingly.

3. Form into patties and refrigerate on wax paper for 20 minutes or so for firmness.

4. Sauté crab cakes in butter in a large non-stick frying pan.

4 thoughts on “Crab Cakes

  1. seth

    care to reveal any foragable free-diving destinations in the seattle area? I’m hip to the scene around the shilshole jetty. Do you use a drysuit?

  2. Finspot

    Audrey: I always say the trip to/from the foraging grounds is the most harrowing, especially if it involves stressed-out commuters trying to pick up their kids at camp.

    Seth: I use a 4mm wetsuit, which keeps me plenty warm for an hour and change. As for destinations, I’ve gotten crab all over the Sound, including right in Seattle. Depends on time of year and what the crabs are up to. Right now they’re in a mating frenzy, so look for structure. In the shoulder seasons you might try more open areas, including eel grass beds.

  3. t-mos


    your killin me with all this crab action! i need to get out to the docks.

    i don’t have a suit, but for future reference, what are the requirements for suitable free-dive locales? is the sound a special situation or is it doable off the oregon coast as well?

    nice work on the vittles!



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