Wilted Dandy Salad

I’M USUALLY not a big fan of warm salads. But there’s one warm salad I’ve been making for years, thanks our friend Kathy.

Kathy’s Wilted Salad

6 cups dandelion greens (or spinach)
2 cups basil leaves
3-4 oz prosciutto, diced
1/2 cup pine nuts
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
3/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper, to taste

Mix the greens in a large salad bowl. Heat olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Add pinenuts and garlic, stirring occasionally. When pinenuts start to brown, add prosciutto and cook one more minute. Pour contents of skillet over salad greens and toss with parm. Season if necessary.

8 thoughts on “Wilted Dandy Salad

  1. drfugawe

    I find each year I am more tuned in to the taste of bitter greens – and in the case of dandies, the early season stems are prime raw salad add-ins, and the later mature stems are great as cooked greens (with oo, and garlic of course).

    Ain’t spring wonderful?

  2. nooschi

    I never thought to pick my own greens. I think I may just try that. Great looking salad. My mother in law picks her own grape leaves, and they taste much better than the store bought ones.

  3. LC

    Jon – I kept my dandy leaves whole, but if you get some bigguns I’d recommend a rough chop. Enjoy!

    Doc – Anyone who likes kale should be making use of this free and highly nutritious resource right now. And a simple green salad benefits from just a few torn leaves. Stay tuned for an all-forage salad soon…

    Nooschi – Thanks for stopping by. Give it a try and report back.

  4. graduallygreener

    Hmm, interesting! There are some dandelion greens around my community garden plot, maybe I’ll throw a few into my first salad greens harvest. Do you have any pictures of what a “too mature” dandelion plant looks like, or is it entirely about whether there’s a flower stem or not?

  5. LC

    GraduallyGreener – Thanks for dropping by. I’d say it’s mostly about the flower stem/bud. Maybe later in the season this is less true (?). For salad greens, look for the rosette of leaves that hasn’t budded. That said, the buds are delicious in their own way, particularly in omelets, and the petals make a bright addition to bread.

  6. sally

    As a kid my favorite vegetable, maybe my only vegetable, was my grandmother’s wilted lettuce salad, made with bacon, bacon drippings and vinegar. I’ll try to harvest dandy leaves according to your instructions and have at it again. Thanks for inspiration.


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